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Note: As of September 30, 2011 the National Tobacco Cessation Collaborative is no longer operational.

ConsumerDemand: Innovations in Building Consumer Demand for Tobacco Cessation Products and Services
  ConsumerDemand Updates

September 30, 2007 Update

6 Core Strategies for Increasing the Use of Evidence-Based Tobacco Cessation Treatments Report

In 2006, three Consumer Demand Roundtables were conducted to begin to investigate consumer demand as it related to tobacco cessation and to generate initial recommendations for the field. The report, 6 Core Strategies for Increasing the Use of Evidence-Based Tobacco Cessation Treatments, summarizes the key concepts and ideas that emerged from the Roundtables discussions for building demand among smokers for proven tobacco cessation products and services.

November 10, 2006 Update

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports (MMWRs) featured an article on State Medicaid Coverage for Tobacco-Dependence Treatments. To see the full text article, click on the below link:

State Medicaid Coverage for Tobacco-Dependence Treatments --- United States, 2005

July 24, 2006 Update

From July 12-14, NIH hosted the "State-of-the-Science Conference on Tobacco Use: Prevention, Cessation, and Control." Several Consumer Demand roundtable participants, including Tracy Orleans, Gary Giovino, Betsy Barbeau and Tim McAfee, presented at the meeting. To view their presentations and abstracts click on the below links.

C. Tracy Orleans:
Increasing Consumer Demand for and Use of Effective Tobacco Cessation Treatments: An Extraordinary Opportunity

Gary Giovino:
Tobacco Use: Prevention, Cessation, Control

Betsy Barbeau:
Low-Income and Blue-Collar Populations

Tim McAfee:
Increasing Institutional Consumer Demand: Healthplans, Employers & the Government Abstract


News Items :

"County starts anti-smoking effort Study: Minorities are lighting up more than ever"
August 14, 2006

"Las minorías son las que más fuman"
August 14, 2006

"L.A. County Launches Anti-Smoking Campaign"
August 2, 2006

"Marriott Going Smokefree in US and Canada"

July 19, 2006

"Companies Must Stop Fraudulently Promoting Laser Therapy as a Treatment to Quit Smoking, Public Citizen Tells FDA"
June 22, 2006