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David Abrams is director of the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) at NIH. Previously he was Professor of Psychiatry and Human Behavior, Professor of community Health and co-director of Transdisciplinary Research at Butler Hospital , Brown Medical School . He has been at Brown University since 1978. Abrams is also the founding director of Brown’s Centers for Behavioral and Preventive Medicine at the Miriam Hospital . He is a fellow of APA Divisions 12 (Society of Clinical Psychology), 38 (Health Psychology), and 50 (Addictions). Abrams holds a BSc.(Honors) in computer science and psychology from the University of Witwatersrand , Johannesburg , South Africa . He holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in clinical psychology from Rutgers University . He is a licenses clinical psychologist, specializing in health psychology, behavioral and preventive medicine, addictive behaviors and risk factors for chronic disease. He is past president of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, a member of the Board of Scientific Affairs of the National Cancer Institute, and a member of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Transdisciplinary Tobacco Etiology Research Network. He is the lead author of The Tobacco Dependence Treatment Handbook: A Guide to Best Practices (Guildford Press, 2003), and has served on several Institute of Medicine expert scientific panels. In addition, Abrams has served as the principal or co-principal investigator on over 65 NIH grants from various institutes. Elizabeth Barbeauis Associate Professor in the Department of Society, Human Development and Health, Harvard School of Public Health and is also with the Center for Community-Based Research at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, in Boston, Massachusetts. The unifying theme of her research program is the characterization of the ways that organizations and social institutions (e.g., employers, labor unions, regulatory agencies, and the tobacco industry) influence workers’ health status and health behaviors. Her research program promotes discoveries regarding: work environment factors associated with general health outcomes and with tobacco use and cessation behavior among blue-collar and other unionized workers; successful smoking cessation intervention strategies, involving labor unions; employer and union policies associated with worker health, with a focus on occupational safety and health programs, and work-family responsive policies; tobacco industry political strategies aimed at building alliances with labor unions, and the implications for future tobacco control alliances to reduce class-based disparities in tobacco use. Elaine Bratic Arkin has worked in the fields of health communication and social marketing for more than 25 years. At the U.S. Public Health Service, she was responsible for the government's anti-smoking mass media campaign, and for the development of the Cancer Information Service, a national toll free counseling hotline. At the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, she served as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, and as National Coordinator of the Healthy Mothers, Healthy Babies Coalition. As a consultant, she works primarily with Federal agencies, national voluntary associations, and foundations on a wide variety of health issues. She was the author of Making Health Communications Work: A Planner's Guide ("the pink book"), consulted on the development of CDC's health communication CD ROM, CDCynergy, and CSAP's Technical Assistance Bulletin on outcome evaluation. Recent tobacco-related projects include: consultant to the Agency for Educational Development for the start-up of the National Tobacco Cessation Collaborative; consultant to CTRI, development of the adult cessation blueprint; consultant to the American Legacy Foundation, facilitator for regional quit line meetings; consultant to the American Cancer Society’s Center for Tobacco Cessation; contributing writer, Office on Smoking and Health guides to tobacco control countermarketing programs (planning and market research chapters) and program evaluation; consultant, the Robert Wood Johnson's Smoke-Free Family program and initial planning for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids; contributing writer to the National Blueprint and consultant on the management of the Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative; program developer for the American Cancer Society's Fresh Start Family cessation program for pregnant women; Mass Media Task Leader, Skills Building Committee for the World Conference on Tobacco OR Health, 2000; Member, Expert Advisory Panel, Mississippi Tobacco Pilot Project Evaluation; consultant, Louisiana tobacco use prevention programs. She has served on numerous health-related advisory committees, and has testified before Congress on three occasions. Carlo C. DiClemente, Ph.D. is an internationally known psychologist, best known as the co-author of the Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change. The Transtheoretical Model of Behavioral Change serves as the basis for research into health and addictive behaviors and a guide for interventions and treatment programs. His most recent book, Addiction and Change, offers a view into the process of both the initiation and modification of addictive behaviors. Dr. DiClemente has experience as a clinician, researcher, and teacher. He is Professor and Chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Maryland and a Fellow of the American Psychological Society. He is past president of the Division on Addictions of the American Psychological Association. He is also a member of the editorial boards of several journals including the International Journal of Health Psychology, Preventive Medicine, and Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Rhode Island , has his Diplomate in Clinical Psychology from the American Board of Professional Psychology, is a nationally registered Health Services Provider in Psychology and is a Licensed and Certified Psychologist by the State of Maryland . In 2002 he received the Innovators Award form the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation for is work in combating substance abuse. Dr. Graham is an Assistant Professor (Research) of Psychiatry and Human Behavior at Brown Medical School. She received her doctorate in clinical psychology from the Chicago Medical School with a specialization in Behavioral Medicine. Her current research interest is developing innovative approaches to translate behavioral science into practice. Currently, Dr. Graham is Principal Investigator on an R01 that tests the effectiveness of a widely utilized Internet smoking cessation treatment (www.QuitNet.com) alone and in conjunction with an existing telephone quitline. This is one of the first large-scale randomized clinical trials of an existing smoking cessation website. Most recently, Dr. Graham was co-investigator and project director on Efficiency of Sustained Cessation for Populations (D. Abrams, PI), the treatment outcome study in TTURC-I. This study examined a proactive, sustained, and individually tailored telephone counseling strategy for smoking cessation. Dr. Graham has extensive experience in developing interactive software applications for tobacco control. She was PI of a Phase I SBIR grant awarded by the National Cancer Institute to develop an interactive, web-based software application that assists small business employers in implementing a restrictive smoking policy. She has also been the lead consultant on two Phase I SBIRs awarded to QuitNet to develop an Internet-based tailored medication support system, and to develop software that integrates QuitNet’s Internet site with telephone counseling programs. Dr. Graham is also currently a Visiting Scientist at the National Cancer Institute (NCI) in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences in Dissemination and Diffusion Research. Her work at NCI focuses on identifying strategic partnerships and innovative approaches to integrating cancer control research and practice. Ms. Gutierrez is a social marketing consultant whose current and previous partners and clients include the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, Institute for Reproductive Health at Georgetown University, the U.S. Office on National Drug Control Policy, Pfizer and Harvard University School of Public Health. Currently she is serving as project manager for the Global Dialogue for Effective Stop Smoking Campaigns, an initiative sponsored by 13 partner organizations around the world to help smokers quit by applying global lessons learned to smoking cessation campaigns and by increasing organizations’ financial commitments to these campaigns over time. From 1998 until 2004, Karen was a CDC Fellow with the Health Communications Branch of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office on Smoking & Health. She advised U.S. states, national organizations, and other countries as they planned, implemented and evaluated their tobacco counter-marketing campaigns. She also helped CDC develop best practices, training and other resources, including co-authoring global reviews of lessons learned from smoking cessation campaigns and youth tobacco use prevention campaigns and co-editing a comprehensive tobacco counter-marketing manual. From 1985 until 1998, Karen worked in marketing/advertising for the Procter & Gamble Company. She worked on businesses such as Pampers, Luvs, Bounty, Puffs, and Always while in Brand Management. She also worked in a corporate consulting group, where she focused on entry point marketing, direct marketing, and ethnic marketing, and in the area of training & development for marketing/advertising staff. Karen also has extensive experience as a board member and direct service volunteer on issues including educational reform, mentoring, domestic violence, and teen pregnancy prevention. In 1993 she was awarded a three-year national leadership fellowship through the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Her learning plan’s focus on adolescent sexual decision-making took her to 15 U.S. cities and 12 other countries to learn from health professionals, educators, parents, and youth. Karen holds a bachelor’s degree in American Studies from Georgetown University. A multifaceted career has given Pablo Izquierdo a wide range of experience in advertising and public relations. Currently, he is Sr. Vice President of Elevación Ltd., a Hispanic owned marketing agency, where he guides communications strategy for clients, supervises creative and public relations teams, and ensures that all final products are culturally sensitive and meet the highest quality standards. Also, he regularly consults for a variety of Government clients, including HRSA, SAMHSA and other HHS Agencies. Pablo was the account director for the award-wining, international effort for the Border Safety Initiative of the Department of Homeland Security, a comprehensive public education campaign about the perils of border crossings geared at Mexican immigrants and their U.S. relatives. He also spearheaded the launch of an entire Hispanic portfolio of public service messages and publications for the Alzheimer’s Association. Pablo’s work has been instrumental in many Ad Council campaigns, including the DHS terrorism preparedness campaign Listo (Ready) and a Breastfeeding Awareness campaign for HHS. Prior to Elevación, Pablo was Vice President of Hispanic Marketing at EMM Creative (the agency that spun off Elevación), and Vice President of Productions for MAYA Advertising & Communications. His work at MAYA included unique PSA campaigns for the Food and Drug Administration, The American Diabetes Association and the National Fire Protection Association. He successfully placed the highest ever number of media stories about diabetes and fire prevention in Hispanic media outlets across the country. Pablo was also an accomplished producer at C-SPAN for five years. There, he produced long-format shows, was regularly assigned to the White House and covered the Federal government and international legislatures on an on-going basis. He started his career producing news-magazine shows and live specials for the premier Spanish-language network Univisión. His productions have been widely distributed in Latin America. He has served on many professional boards, including as DC Chapter President of the Hispanic Academy of Media Arts and Sciences and as First Vice President of the Advertising Club of Metropolitan Washington. At the Ad Club, he launched the highly successful Professional Development Seminars series. He holds an M.A. in Communications from the American University and a B.A. in Advertising-Public Relations from the University of Madrid, Spain. Helen Lettlow, Assistant Vice President, joined the American Legacy Foundation in February, 2000 to direct the Priority Populations Initiative, Legacy’s $21 million initiative for addressing health disparities among underserved populations. This cross-cutting effort is central to the foundation’s mission and is integrated throughout the organization. While concurrently leading a major foundation initiative, she acquired her doctorate degree from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health. Dr. Lettlow is a health program administrator with more than 20 years of experience working in philanthropic, academic, and community settings. Her professional experiences have been in tobacco control, women’s health, HIV/AIDS prevention, and minority health. Throughout her career, she has been primarily interested in socio-economic issues, health policy and health psychology. Dr. Lettlow joined Legacy from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Department of Maternal Child Health, where she collaborated with faculty to write funding proposals for research and training. As Director of Women’s Health at the American Social Health Association, from 1996 – 1999, she directed a research demonstration project aimed at preventing cervical cancer among African American and Hispanic women in North Carolina. During 1998 - 99 she was the program chair of the Reproductive Health section, American Public Health Association. Starting her career in New York, Dr. Lettlow directed the Women’s Health Program at the New York State Department of Health, AIDS Institute from 1992 - 1996. Prior to that, she spent four years as Assistant Director of community-based research at the HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioral Studies at Columbia University. She also directed the Family Planning Clinic at Harlem Hospital Center from 1986 - 1988. Dr. Lettlow’s main career emphasis has been on health promotion and education for disadvantaged populations and underserved communities. Danny McGoldrick is Vice President of Research for the Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids. The Campaign’s mission is to promote policies and programs that prevent kids from smoking, help adult smokers quit, and protect everyone from secondhand smoke. Mr. McGoldrick’s Research Department conducts secondary and primary research to support the advocacy and communication efforts of the Campaign. The research focuses on message development and testing for communications, monitoring public opinion, policy analysis, and producing information on tobacco industry marketing practices and their effects. The results are used in the development and refining of Campaign strategies and tactics, as well in the creation of fact sheets, briefing papers, and media materials. Mr. McGoldrick also provides support and technical assistance to the states as they design and implement comprehensive tobacco prevention programs and pursue tobacco policy change. In this role, he and his department have developed numerous materials on the need for these programs and policies, as well as on their key components and effectiveness. In addition to consulting with state advocates and health departments on these issues, he has provided testimony in state legislatures and public hearings and appears often in the media. Mr. McGoldrick has more than twenty years of experience conducting marketing and communications research. Prior to joining the Campaign, he was Director of Health Communications Research for Prospect Associates, a health communications firm in Rockville, Maryland. While at Prospect, Mr. McGoldrick conducted research in support of numerous health communications campaigns including: the National Cancer Institute’s 5-A-Day campaign to encourage people to eat five fruits and vegetables each day; a community-based campaign to increase early treatment-seeking behavior among people with HIV; the USDA’s Team Nutrition, a school-based program to encourage healthy eating among kids; and the CDC’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Campaign (NUPAC). Before joining Prospect, Mr. McGoldrick was an Account Group Manager at Market Facts, Inc., a leading marketing research firm. For more than ten years, he directed consumer research for a variety of commercial and government clients in the areas of health, telecommunications, advertising, financial services, and others. Mr. McGoldrick received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from the University of Georgia and a Master of Arts, also in Political Science, from Michigan State University. Carole Tracy Orleans is the Senior Scientist for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She joined the Foundation’s professional staff in 1996, serving first as convener of the Foundation’s Tobacco Goal Group (1996 to 1998). From 1999-2003, she led the Foundation’s new efforts to promote the adoption of healthy behaviors and served as leader of the Health & Behavior Team, focusing on environmental and policy-based approaches to promoting “active living” and on primary care-based interventions addressing multiple behavioral health risks. She currently works in three areas: (1) health care quality improvement; (2) sustaining gains and progress in national tobacco control; and (3) developing the evidence for science-based policy and environmental approaches to childhood obesity prevention. Dr. Orleans’ has focused in each of these areas on designing research-based initiatives to identify and disseminate evidence-based clinical, environmental and policy interventions. She has developed and leads or co-leads a large portfolio of Foundation national programs and grants (totaling over $500 million) including: Addressing Tobacco in Managed Care, Bridging the Gap and ImpacTeen, Improving Chronic Illness Care, Helping Young Smokers Quit , The National Partnership to Help Pregnant Smokers Quit, Smoke-Free Families, The National Spit Tobacco Education Program, Prescription for Health, the Substance Abuse Policy Research Program, the Active Living Research Program, and the Healthy Eating Research Program. In addition she has directed the external evaluations of several RWJF national programs, including Free to Grow (Head Start-based substance abuse prevention), Smokeless States , Reducing Underage Drinking through Coalitions, and the Substance Abuse Policy Research Program. Prior to joining the Foundation’s professional staff, Dr. Orleans served as Vice President for Research and Development, Johnson & Johnson Applied Behavioral Technologies (1993-95), Director of Tobacco Control Research at the Fox Chase Cancer Center (1985-93), Research Associate at the University of North Carolina Center for Health Services Research (1982-1988), and Assistant Professor of Medical Psychology/Psychiatry at Duke University Medical Center (1978-84). A clinical psychologist, she is currently an Adjunct Full Member of the Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, and an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey. Dr. Orleans is an internationally recognized expert in behavioral medicine, health and behavior and tobacco control research. She has been PI or Co-PI on 20 NIH grants, has authored or co-authored over 175 publications, serves as an associate editor or editorial board member for several scientific journals, and remains active in tobacco control, behavioral medicine, and public health research and publication. In the area of tobacco control, she has contributed to multiple Surgeon General’s Reports, with John Slade, co-edited the first text on the management of nicotine addiction, led or co-led the development of several national tobacco control programs (Free & Clear, Clear Horizons, Pathways to Freedom), and played an active role in promoting the adoption of the NCQA’a first HEDIS tobacco measure. Dr. Orleans is the recipient of the Joseph Cullen Tobacco Control Research Award of the American Society of Preventive Oncology, and the Society of Behavioral Medicine’s Distinguished Service Award, which was named in her honor, and in 2005 was recognized by Tobacco Control as one of the 100 most widely cited authors in tobacco control. She has served on numerous national, federal, and corporate behavioral medicine, health policy and tobacco control scientific advisory panels (e.g., U.S. Preventive Services Task Force, DHHS Secretary’s Interagency Committee on Smoking and Health Subcommittee on Tobacco Cessation, Institute of Medicine , National Committee on Quality Assurance, American Legacy Foundation). She is a past president of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (2001) and currently serves on the AHRQ-CDC National Commission on Prevention Priorities. Dr. Roski joined the National Committee for Quality Assurance in 2000 and currently oversees NCQA’s performance measure development, research, analysis, and public and private contracting activities for customized solutions. Dr. Roski currently serves as Principal Investigator or co-investigator on multiple NCQA research or demonstration projects in the area of health care quality evaluation and provider-level performance measurement. He interacts with researchers, policy-makers, physicians, and health care administrators both nationally and internationally. He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences and is the author of numerous articles in the area of health care quality and health improvement. Prior to joining NCQA, Dr. Roski served as director of Quality and Performance Effectiveness at Allina Health System in Minneapolis, MN. In that capacity he was responsible for the development and implementation of an internal performance and clinical quality outcome measurement and improvement system, conduct of relative research, and provided support to key improvement activities of the organization. He also served as the staff lead on health care quality to the Allina Board of Directors. Prior to joining Allina he served as research director in the Division of Epidemiology, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. Stephanie Smith joins the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the Center for Health and Well-being at Princeton University as a postdoctoral policy fellow for 2005-2006. Stephanie is a social and behavioral scientist who specializes in the use of qualitative and quantitative methods. Her research examines how different populations perceive information and the translation of that information into decisions and behavior. Her research goals are to develop strategies that decrease cancer-related morbidity and mortality. She is particularly interested in the nexus of risk assessment, health behavior and communication theory, and mixed methodological approaches as they relate to tobacco use in 18-24 year olds. Her dissertation examined the awareness, risk perception, and reported use of potentially reduced exposure products (PREPs) (e.g., purported low yield tobacco, medicinal and novel nicotine delivery products) among college freshmen. Currently she is working to develop a reliable and valid methodology for the measurement of Healthy People 2010 Objective 11-3: Increase the proportion of health communication activities that include research and evaluation. Stephanie held policy-related positions in the Office of the Secretary, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the Institute of Medicine where she gained extensive experience in the critical area of public health policy for prevention. She has a MPH and PhD from the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health. Sue Swartz is a general internist and public health researcher focused on access to effective tobacco treatments and improving care for chronic conditions. She is Director of the Center for Tobacco Independence, where she supervises Maine’s statewide Tobacco Treatment Initiative. Dr. Swartz is principal investigator with the Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation at Maine Medical Center, conducting clinical and health services research on quit line evaluation, tobacco medication utilization, and enhancing provider performance to deliver interventions for smokers. Dr. Swartz holds a medical degree from Oregon Health & Sciences University and a master’s degree in public health from the University of Washington. Frank Vocci received his B.S. in biological sciences from Loyola College . His graduate studies were concentrated in pharmacology and neuroscience at the University of Maryland at Baltimore . During that time he worked in the Clinical Neurophysiology Laboratory in the Department of Neurology and also volunteered as a staff counselor at the Tuerk House, a residential program for alcohol and drug detoxification. He received post-doctoral training in pharmacology (1977-1978) at the Medical College of Virginia with Drs. William Dewey and Louis Harris. From 1978 to 1989, Dr. Vocci was employed with the Food and Drug Administration in the Drug Abuse Staff in the Division of Neuropharmacological Drug Products. He reviewed drug applications for adequacy of characterization of pharmacology and toxicology, evidence of drug efficacy, and characterization of abuse potential and possible necessity of scheduling of drugs under the Controlled Substances Act. In addition to his duties as an FDA reviewer, Dr. Vocci was also a guest researcher in the Clinical Neurosciences Branch of the National Institute on Mental Health, and an ad hoc consultant to the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the World Health Organization. Since 1989 he has been affiliated with the Medications Development Program at the National Institute on Drug Abuse where he is currently the Director of the Division of Pharmacotherapies and Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse. In his current capacity, he is responsible for overseeing research and development activities in medications development for the treatment of opiate and stimulant abuse and dependence cannabis dependence, nicotine dependence, and medical consequences of drug abuse. Dr. Vocci has authored or co-authored over 50 articles in the fields of neuropharmacology and substance abuse. In 2001, Dr. Vocci received a Presidential Meritorious Executive Award for his leadership of the treatment research effort at NIDA.
Linda Bailey serves as executive director of the newly established North American Quitline Consortium. The Consortium, which is supported by the American Legacy Foundation, is a membership organization that aims to maximize the access, use and effectiveness of quitlines in the U.S. and Canada . Ms. Bailey has a notable career in public health as an attorney, educator, and epidemiologist and a strong professional interest in influencing the development of science-based policies that promote health. Prior positions have included director, Center for Tobacco Cessation, associate director for the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s Office on Smoking and Health in Washington , D.C. , senior advisor on health promotion and disease prevention at the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Health, study director at the Institute of Medicine , and epidemiologist at the Houston Health Department. She was also a faculty member at Johns Hopkins School of Public Health and the University of Maryland School of Law. Ms. Bailey holds a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University , a master’s in health sciences Johns Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health and a law degree from the University of Maryland School of Law. Matt Barry is a Director of Policy Research for the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids, a privately-funded organization established to focus the nation’s attention and action on reducing tobacco use, especially among children. Mr. Barry is the lead analyst within the Campaign’s Research Department for issues related to tobacco cessation, secondhand smoke, and harm reduction. In addition, Mr. Barry also provides support to the Campaign’s efforts to have Congress pass effective tobacco product regulation by the Food and Drug Administration. Mr. Barry is the co-chair of the policy workgroup of the National Partnership to Help Pregnant Smokers Quit as well as the co-chair of the policy and communications working group of the North American Quitline Consortium. Mr. Barry has more than fifteen years of experience in working in public health and policy-related issues. Immediately prior to joining the Campaign, Mr. Barry was a staff member to the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) where he worked on Medicare payment policies and their impact on rural health care. Previous to his joining MedPAC, Mr. Barry was a Brookings Institution Fellow and worked for U.S. Senator Bob Graham on health-related matters, particularly legislative proposals related to improving Medicare’s coverage of health promotion and disease prevention services. Mr. Barry has also worked for the former Health Care Financing Administration within the Medicaid program as well as the Health Resources and Services Administration for the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Mr. Barry received a Bachelor of Arts in Political Science and Philosophy from the State University of New York at Albany and a Masters of Public Administration from the Nelson A. Rockefeller Graduate School of Public Affairs and Policy, also with the State University of New York at Albany. Frank J. Chaloupka is currently Director of the UIC Health Policy Center and is a Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Illinois at Chicago's College of Business Administration, where he has been on the faculty since 1988. He is also a Professor in the Health Policy and Administration Division of the School of Public Health and a Fellow at the University of Illinois’ Institute for Government and Public Affairs. He is a Research Associate in the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Health Economics Program and Children’s Program, which he has been affiliated with since 1984. Dr. Chaloupka is Director of ImpacTeen: A Policy Research Partnership to Reduce Youth Substance Use in the UIC Health Research and Policy Centers. Dr. Chaloupka also directs the International Tobacco Evidence Network. An economist, Dr. Chaloupka earned his B.A. from John Carroll University in 1984 and his Ph.D. from the City University of New York Graduate School and University Center. Numerous professional publications and presentations have resulted from Dr. Chaloupka's research on the effects of prices and substance control policies on cigarette smoking and other tobacco use, alcohol use and abuse, and illicit drug use, as well as on various outcomes related to substance use and abuse. Much of this research has focused on youth and young adults. This research has been funded by the National Cancer Institute, the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, and others. Dr. Chaloupka’s research on the policy and economic determinants of health behaviors has recently expanded to include a focus on healthy eating, physical activity, and obesity . Dr. Chaloupka contributed a section on the effects of cigarette taxes and prices on youth smoking for the 1994 Surgeon General’s report, and a lengthy chapter on the economics of tobacco for the 2000 Surgeon General’s report on which he was Consulting Scientific Editor. In addition, he co-authored the World Bank’s policy report: Curbing the Epidemic: Governments and the Economics of Tobacco Control and co-edited the volume Tobacco Control in Developing Countries containing the background papers prepared for the report. Dr. Chaloupka is on the editorial boards of American Journal of Public Health and Contemporary Economic Policy, is the economics editor for Tobacco Control, and is a consultant to numerous governmental agencies, private organizations, and businesses. In 1996 Dr. Chaloupka received the University Scholar Award from the University of Illinois for his research on the economic analysis of substance use and abuse. In addition, Dr. Chaloupka has served on the Technical Advisory Panel of the National Cancer Institute's American Stop Smoking Intervention Study, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Healthy People 2000 and 2010 Tobacco Work Group, the National Institute of Health's Community Prevention and Control Study Section, and chairs the American Legacy Foundation’s Policy Advisory Committee. Dr. Gary A. Giovino serves as a Senior Research Scientist and Director of the Tobacco Control Research Program at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, New York . He earned his doctoral degree in Experimental Pathology (Epidemiology) at the University at Buffalo in 1987. In 1988, he joined the Office on Smoking and Health at the Centers for D isease Control and Prevention (C D C), where he served as Chief of the Epidemiology Branch. His research interests focus on patterns, determinants, consequences, and control of tobacco use. Dr. Giovino is a member of the New York State Tobacco Control Program Advisory Board and is Principal Investigator of two national surveys: one addressing patterns of youth smoking cessation and another of adults that assesses “hardcore” smoking and interest in tobacco harm reduction. He heads the tobacco team for Project ImpacTeen and served as a Co-Chair of the National Tobacco Monitoring, Research, and Evaluation Workshop. He recently received an Innovators Combating Substance Abuse Award from RWJF, the D oll/Wynder Award for research in tobacco epidemiology from the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco, and the C D C’s Charles C. Shepard Science Award for Outstanding Scientific Contribution to Public Health. D r. G iovino has authored or co-authored more than 170 scientific publications on tobacco. As Senior Director Global Public Policy, David leads public policy in Tobacco Dependence for Pfizer’s Consumer Healthcare and Prescription Pharmaceutical Divisions world wide as well as overall Consumer Healthcare public policy initiatives . In addition to working with Pfizer colleagues at global, regional and national levels he engages directly with key Governmental and Non-Governmental organizations on policy areas that may influence future demand for and access to the company’s range of Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products as well as a novel prescription product for smoking cessation undergoing regulatory review. Particular areas of focus include smoke-free areas, public health promotion, the role of the health professional, smoking reduction as a means to cessation as well as access & funding of products and services. Prior to this role which he took on in early 2004, David had eight years experience in international/global marketing of tobacco dependence products at HQ, R&D & manufacturing sites in Sweden and the USA which led to global responsibility for marketing the Nicorette brand (ex-US) in Pharmacia and then Pfizer. His national experience in the United Kingdom includes four years in consumer product & brand management for Nicorette following prescription marketing and pharmaceutical sales positions in other category areas. Prior to joining the Pharmaceutical Industry, he held various educational positions teaching and lecturing in Scotland and Zimbabwe. David’s fourteen years involvement with Tobacco Dependence includes brand communications to consumer, trade & professional groups, category & product development, and public affairs including policy, professional & media relations. He has been instrumental in the establishment of several innovative partnerships between and within the pharmaceutical industry and the public health community. David graduated in Scotland with a degree in Education and Psychology, majored in Physics and Chemistry, has a Diploma in Marketing and is in the final stages of completing a Masters degree in Public Policy and Administration at Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs. He is the father of three teenagers, ages 14, 15 and 17, and he and his family reside in New Jersey. Dr. Hughes specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of nicotine and other dependencies. He is Professor in the Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology and Family Practice at the University of Vermont. Dr. Hughes is a co-founder of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco and the Association for the Treatment of Tobacco Use and Dependence. He has written over 300 scientific publications on tobacco use and chaired the Vermont Tobacco Evaluation and Review Board that oversees VT’s multimillion dollar tobacco control program. Dr. Hughes currently has a NIH grant to determine why smokers do not access free cessation treatment. Kathryn Kahler Vose is director of Porter Novelli’s Health and Social Marketing Group. Clients include The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, American Cancer Society, Alzheimer’s Association, Independent Sector, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Cancer Institute, Annenberg Foundation, Merck/Schering-Plough Pharmaceuticals, GlaxoSmithKline, and others. Kay is a strategic communications, social marketing, and public affairs specialist with 25 years of experience in developing and executing integrated marketing communication campaigns that help corporations, coalitions, nonprofits, and government entities achieve their goals through a combination of behavior change marketing, issue advertising, alliance building, and public affairs outreach. She also specializes in crisis communications and corporate counsel to CEOs of nonprofits. As commercial head of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare’s global Smoking Control business, Katie Kemper oversees GSK’s newest and fastest growing portfolio, which generates over £200Million ($380Mn) in annual sales across 17 countries including the USA, UK, France and Australia. To date, these products have helped an estimated 7 million smokers around the world quit smoking. Katie has been involved in GSK’s Smoking Control business since 1993, when she worked with a team of expert researchers and the FDA to switch nicotine gum and patch from prescription to OTC status in the United States. Both switches were approved in 1996, under the brand names Nicorette and NicoDermCQ. The products established an entirely new category at retail, and grew rapidly fueled by Katie’s award-winning consumer marketing program. Nicorette and NicoDerm are still considered among the most successful Rx-to-OTC switches in the USA. In 1998 Katie relocated to London where she oversaw the European introduction of GSK’s smoking control business, which is now the #5 OTC brand in Europe (under the brand name NiQuitin CQ) and continues to grow. She was promoted to her present position and returned to the US in late 2001; current responsibilities include overseeing global communication, policy, and product development for Smoking Control. Above all, she continues to strive for exceptional business results which make a significant public health contribution. Katie is a graduate of Lake Forest College in Lake Forest, IL and holds a Masters in Business Administration from Columbia University in New York. Tim McAfee, MD, MPH is the Chief Medical Officer for Free & Clear (F&C). F&C is a health care company dedicated to supporting health-related behavior change. It provides telephone-based treatment programs for tobacco cessation. F&C was an operating unit within Group Health Cooperative in Washington State for 15 years. Due to its increasing national business and potential for expansion it was established as a separate company in 2003. Dr McAfee was a leader in the national efforts to establish a new model of multi-system comprehensive tobacco treatment. He led the effort extending full coverage for cessation services in the mid-1990s at Group Health, along with successfully mainstreaming the 5-A intervention model into primary care. He then led the expansion of model telephone-based cessation support services outside Group Health, including 14 state tobacco quit lines and over 60 health systems and employers. Dr. McAfee serves as a consultant for numerous national and state-level organizations and committees on tobacco treatment policy and delivery issues. He has been a co-investigator and site PI on multiple NCI and RWJ-funded research studies focusing on questions relating to effectiveness and dissemination of phone-based tobacco programs in medical systems and through government-sponsored quit lines. He is an affiliate investigator in the Center for Health Studies at Group Health, as well as an affiliate assistant professor in the Department of Health Services in the School of Public Health at the University of Washington. During Dr. McAfee’s 14 years at Group Health, he was a family physician, as well as Executive Director and Medical Director of the Group Health Center for Health Promotion from 1997 to Nov 2003. In this position he chaired Group Health’s Committee on Prevention and oversaw patient education services, tobacco and weight management programs. He obtained his medical degree from UC San Francisco, and a Masters in Health Policy and in Public Health (Epidemiology) from UC Berkeley. He completed residency training at Group Health, and a faculty fellowship at the University of Washington. In 1996, he was the first non-governmental healthcare leader to complete the Scholars Program of the CDC/UC California Public Health Leadership Institute. Myra L. Muramoto, MD, MPH,is an Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine, and Public Health at the University of Arizona. She is a practicing family physician with extensive experience in tobacco cessation in clinical research, healthcare, community, public health and international health settings. Her tobacco cessation work has addressed a number of special populations: medically compromised, change-resistant smokers; ethnic and racial minorities; adolescents; low-income pregnant women; and the military. With nearly two decades of experience in national and international curriculum development projects, Dr. Muramoto has trained a broad range of health and human service providers and students in prevention, screening and treatment of substance use disorders, particularly alcohol and tobacco. She has adapted training curriculum to meet the needs of special populations, and used innovative technology to increase accessibility, acceptability, and adaptability of professional and lay educational programs. Dr. Muramoto’s recent work has focused on “health influencers” – individuals with potential to influence another’s health behavior. She is researching interventions to activate the large numbers of community-based health influencers to support and encourage tobacco users to seek assistance in quitting. Her current NCI-funded study is a randomized trial comparing Internet and classroom approaches for brief tobacco intervention training for a broad spectrum of human service providers. Dr. Muramoto is a founding member of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Center for Child Health Research Tobacco Consortium. She has served on the Emerging Science Advisory Panel for the American Legacy Foundation, and provided technical assistance to the World Bank on community-based tobacco cessation projects. She is a Co-Chair of the national steering committee for Professionally Assisted Cessation Therapy (PACT), an independent organization of leaders in the treatment of tobacco dependence whose mission is to lower barriers to treatment utilization through education and advocacy. Todd Phillips is a Senior Marketing and Communications Manager at AED, in which he oversees a variety of social marketing and health communication projects. Mr. Phillips has more than 12 years of experience in developing tobacco control counter-marketing communication efforts. Mr. Phillips currently manages the National Tobacco Cessation Collaborative (NTCC) and the Youth Tobacco Cessation Collaborative (YTCC). In this capacity he assists national tobacco control organizations to conduct strategic planning to coordinate and implement tobacco cessation strategies for adults and youth. AED is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Cancer Institute, National Institute on Drug Abuse, and American Legacy Foundation to conduct this work. Mr. Phillips also manages a health literacy training program for GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). During the past year, Mr. Phillips has trained more than 25 brand teams and other GSK groups in making their communications more effective. Mr. Phillips has a Master’s Degree in Advertising from the University of Illinois and a Bachelor’s Degree in Journalism from the University of Maryland . An internationally recognized authority on disease prevention, smoking, and substance abuse, John M. Pinney has been active in the health field for over 30 years. He has a broad base of experience as a government and voluntary agency executive, and as a consultant to private industry. During his career, John has developed extensive technical and scientific knowledge of health issues and a deep understanding of management principles, communication, and problem solving. As an independent consultant and as founder of PinneyAssociates (formerly Corporate Health Policies Group), John has worked with companies, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations of all sizes as consultant, technical expert, trainer, and facilitator. Areas of concentration include disease prevention and health promotion, pharmaceutical research and development, marketing and market research, public policy and regulation, and substance abuse. John began his public health career in 1971 in the Office of the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare. In 1973, he joined the National Council on Alcoholism and served as the managing director of the Council's Washington Office and as administrator for a national project to establish employee alcoholism programs in Fortune 500 companies. John returned to the federal government in 1978, as Special Assistant to the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare and Director of the Office on Smoking and Health. He co-founded and served as Executive Director of Harvard University's Institute for the Study of Smoking Behavior and Policy from 1984 to 1990. As president of PinneyAssociates, John has devoted over 15 years to working with senior corporate managers in a wide range of areas including public policy, risk management, product development, and the implementation of solutions for complex business issues. Dr. Saul Shiffman, Ph.D. is Research Professor of Psychology (Clinical and Health Psychology), Psychiatry, and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Pittsburgh, where he directs the Smoking Research Group. He is also Senior Scientific Advisor to Pinney Associates, which provides consultation on health and health policy matters and pharmaceutical development. Dr. Shiffman earned his Ph.D. Clinical Psychology in 1981 at UCLA, where he began his research on nicotine and tobacco. His research has focused on studies of nicotine dependence and its development, the nicotine withdrawal syndrome, the causes and prevention of smoking relapse, and behavioral and pharmacological treatments for smoking cessation. His papers on treatment address both behavioral and drug treatments, and both the efficacy of treatment as well as its dissemination and public health impact. Dr. Shiffman has authored over 200 scientific papers and has served on advisory panels for the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the National Cancer Institute, the American Cancer Society, and the Center for the Advancement of Health, among others. Dr. Shiffman has been honored by election as a Fellow of the American Psychological Association (divisions of Health Psychology, Psychopharmacology, and Addictions), the American Psychological Society, and the Society for Behavioral Medicine, and to membership in the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research. Dr. Shiffman consults to GlaxoSmithKline, a marketer of smoking cessation products, and also is developing a smoking cessation medication. Dr. Shiffman consults to Pinney Associates, which provides consultation exclusively to GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Healthcare (marketers of OTC nicotine replacement products) on matters related to smoking control. Dr. Shiffman is also a partner in JSR, LLC, which is developing a nicotine replacement medication. Dr. Victor J. Strecher graduated in 1983 with an MPH and PhD in Health Behavior and Health Education from the University of Michigan. After positions as Assistant and Associate Professor in the School of Public Health at the University of North Carolina, Dr. Strecher moved back to the University of Michigan, where he became Professor of Health Behavior and Health Education and Director of Cancer Prevention and Control in the University of Michigan’s Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Strecher also founded the University of Michigan’s Health Media Research Laboratory (HMRL): a multidisciplinary team of behavioral scientists, physicians, computer engineers, instructional designers, graphic artists, and students from a wide variety of disciplines. For over a decade, Dr. Strecher’s laboratory has conducted research studies of health-related behavior change interventions. Many of these interventions focus on interactive computer-tailored and interactive multimedia programs. Dr. Strecher’s academic interests include evaluative research of health behavior change interventions for health promotion, disease prevention and disease management; he has been principal investigator on over $20 million in research grants. His research has included studies of tailored print- and web-based programming for cigarette smoking cessation, weight management, medication adherence, dietary fat intake, fruit and vegetable consumption, alcohol consumption, asthma control, diabetes management, genetic counseling, and many other health-related behaviors. In June of 2003, Dr. Strecher received a five-year $12 million in grant funding from the National Cancer Institute to create the University of Michigan’s Center for Health Communications Research. This Center is systematically exploring the “active ingredients” of effective tailored health communication, developing statistical models for optimizing the impact of individually-tailored communications. The result of this research will be a new understanding of health communications for interactive media, including the Internet, digitally tailored print, PDAs, and interactive television. In 1998, Dr. Strecher founded HealthMedia, Inc., a company designed to create interactive health communications solutions for medical care, employer, and pharmaceutical, and government settings. HealthMedia, Inc. is to bringing the highest quality science, operational capabilities and creativity to the marketplace. The company now has over 65 employees and has secured a significant client base. Dr. Strecher is married to Jeri and has two daughters, Rachael (age 19) and Julia (age 14). He has no understanding of, or expertise with, teenage daughters. Ms. Wilson is the current Executive Director of the South Carolina African American Tobacco Control Network (SCAATCN) a statewide network whose purpose is to create an infrastructure for tobacco use prevention and education in South Carolina’s African American communities. Ms. Wilson has worked in tobacco control in South Carolina for the past seven years. She has worked towards building relationships within communities of color in SC so that tobacco control is included towards improvements in health outcomes. She has been instrumental in working closely with faith communities on smoke free churches/grounds, working towards smoke free HBCU campuses in which three have passed policies (Claflin, Morris and Voorhees), working with minority businesses throughout the state towards voluntary smoke free worksite policies. Ms Wilson uses every opportunity to partner with existing health entities to address tobacco issues and create or expand existing programs to reduce impact on Communities of color. Recently, SCAATCN has partnered with Medical University of SC (MUSC) to develop a Facilitator’s Cessation Training for the African American community to provide cessation sessions in local churches/communities. Initial training of the Facilitators will be held in November, 2005 with classes set to begin January 2006. In a previous position, Ms. Wilson was the HIV/AIDS Community Health and Outreach Coordinator for the Stamford Health Department in Stamford, Ct. for nine years. Mrs. Wilson has been a guest speaker at regional, national, and statewide conferences on the topic of mobilizing community support for tobacco prevention. Ms. Wilson has a B.A. in Sociology and credits towards a Masters of Social Work from New York University. |
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